• Heights Terrace Elementary Middle School


    School Newspaper “Heights Highlighter

                                                                   Advisor: Mrs. Natt
    Newspaper Delivery


    Middle school students will have the opportunity to participate in the School Newspaper Club.  Students who participate in this club with have the opportunity to sharpen critical thinking skills while creating a voice within the school.  Participants will report on school related news and information of value that will be printed in a school newspaper and distributed four times within the year.




    ·         This membership will be based on any middle school student who is interested in learning and taking part in the creation of the school newspaper.


    ·         This newspaper will share school news and information with the student body, faculty, and parents.


    ·         One morning of every month there will be a meeting held to discuss the goals and production of the newspaper.


    ·         A new issue of the newspaper will be published and distributed each quarter.


    Membership Expectations:

    1.  All members must maintain a cumulative grade point average of an 85% and above. (If a member’s grade in a single subject falls below an 85%, they will be given only one quarter to bring up their grade before they will be dismissed from the club.)
    2.  All students must be a positive participant within the school.  Members of the School Newspaper Club are representatives of our school and are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times.  An accumulation of 5 detentions within one marking period or a school suspension will result in dismissal from the club. 
    3.  All members of the School Newspaper Club must attend a mandatory meeting once every month to discuss upcoming topics and deadlines for the newspaper. Attendance at these meetings is crucial in order for our newspaper to be successful. Any member who is unable to attend must see Mrs. Natt prior to or immediately following his/her absence to discuss the meeting agenda.

    4.  All members will be expected to meet all deadlines and fulfill his/her job expectations to the best of his/her ability.