INSTRUCTOR:   Kristopher Koslop


    Is an introduction to careers in TV/Radio, film, digital video, animation and business communications, students will learn through hands-on projects how to operate a wide variety of equipment. Skills and techniques directly related to careers in this field will be practiced. Students will work on a weekly Television News Magazine Show.

    This course expands skills learned in Level I. Advanced skills and techniques are stressed. Students will design and produce a weekly Television show, short films and work as staff for school-based productions. Internships, job shadowing and co-op placements are available at local TV/Radio stations.

    Students will be responsible for the operation of school related TV facilities, school district productions, and special projects. They will work on weekly television programming. Advanced digital video, Photography and Computer Generated Graphics will be focused on. Field trips, co-op, job shadowing, and internships are available for students interested in pursuing careers in this field.