Entering the Cosmetology program requires a fee of approximately $250.00 prior to the first day of class. ALL students entering the Cosmetology course MUST complete the following requirements by the first day of class: (1) Proper legal forms that require social security number and notarization (2) Proper uniforms and professional shoes (3) Kit and mannequin fees. Students transferring from another district will have two weeks to comply. Body piercing, other than ears, is not allowed. This program is offered first at a sophomore level due to state regulation hour requirements, then to juniors.

    Cosmetology is a three year, 1250 hour course that is state regulated.   During Level I, students will become familiar with many aspects of the beauty industry. It is a basic introduction to personality development, professional ethics, hygiene and good grooming, shampooing, manicuring, scalp treatments, permanent waving, hair coloring, haircutting, thermal styling, hair styling, sanitation and sterilization, and state rules and regulations guiding cosmetology and Skills USA.

    Level II is designed to further enhance the students’ knowledge in the basic skills learned in Level I.  It also introduces the students to new procedures such as facials, facial makeup, skin care, eyebrow arching, finger waving, eye-tabbing, nail applications, nail art and chemical and thermal hair relaxing.  Theory work required throughout the three year course includes anatomy and physiology, chemistry, electricity and light therapy and salon business.  After accumulation of practice hours, the student will participate in live clinical work.

    l III places emphasis on practicing and improving the skills anknowlege needed to take the state board test. Live clinical work is continued on a bi-weekly basis. Students attend trade related shows to increase their awareness of the ever changing trends in the beauty industry.  After completing the three year cosmetology program, students will have the opportunity to take their state board test and if passed, will receive their Pennsylvania State Cosmetology License.


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